Monday, September 12, 2011

Aid Needed for the Animals in Tripoli

Recently, at the Tripoli Zoo, a Siberian tiger by the name of Osama, has been in critical condition for the past couple of days. He just lays there lifeless, with his breathing on a hush motionless. Aid has been giving to this poor helpless tiger. A group by the name of Austria's Four Paws who are animal welfare experts. They have no clue as to why this Osama is sick. However, they have reason to believe that he is 21 years old. Which is extremely old for a tiger of his kind. The war and controversy has caused a great deal to Tripoli's zoo. The animals have had to hear all of the gunfire and rampage over the pass 6 months because of the riots and the determination of people trying to kill Gadafi. Animals ears are a lot more sensitive then humans so they have had to hear everything at a greatly larger volume. The zoo continues to struggle they have had plently of litter, there is a massive hole in there roof due to a rocket propelled grenade and lastly there was absolutely no water at the zoo for the past 2 weeks which is horrible for animals like hippos who need it to live. Meanwhile the animal rescue team still struggles to save Osama. Dr. Khalil rushed from Vienna to help with the team after seeing multiple CNN reports about the future of these animals. We all hope Osama a great recovery and all the other animals a save a happy life in the Tripoli Zoo. I hope that soon the order will once again be restored.

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